Author Archives: Roger Van Nuis

Case Study: Spartan Controls Finds the Right Partner in SalesProcess360 for Their CRM Journey

Roger Van Nuis No Comments

By all accounts, Spartan Controls is a highly successful company.  For over 60 years, Spartan has been successfully providing customers with high performance solutions, industry expertise, lifecycle support, and technical training.  

How Will AI Enhance CRM?

Roger Van Nuis No Comments

At a recent training session of Texas, A&M Industrial Distribution students, a question came up that I believe is important to a lot of people evaluating the CRM space with possible fit into their enterprise. The question was “how will AI be used in the development of CRM products and solutions?”

An insightful question considering the intense power of AI and how it may directly impact and transform the customer – supplier relationship.

Insider Magazine Host Walt Boyes Interviews CRM Thought Leader Brian Gardner of SP360

Roger Van Nuis No Comments

Brian Gardner of SP360 was interviewed by Insider magazine host Walt Boyes.

“This is the first such video interview for The Insder magazine,” said Boyes. During the interview, Brian talks about his 25-year journey in the CRM space and his most recent success with his CRM consulting company, SalesProcess360 (SP360). The discussion covers the real issues of underperforming CRM and how to drive additional ROI and overall customer satisfaction for their clients. 

How Dashboards Can Provide Your Sales Team with a Dynamics 360-Degree View

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Actionable, process-oriented dashboards provide visibility to critical information needed to manage all stages of the sales process from lead to after sale follow up. Dashboards let you see every step of the sales process even how you are performing on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis.

New CRM Consulting Client: Caltrol Inc. of Las Vegas

Roger Van Nuis No Comments

SalesProcess360 has entered into a CRM consulting agreement with Caltrol Inc. of Las Vegas. 

Working closely with the Caltrol CRM team and all key stakeholders, SP360 will audit their current sales processes and CRM needs, and produce a detailed implementation strategy to elevate performance, customer service and resulting ROI.   

New Client: Vinson Process Controls Selects SP360 to Elevate Customer Value on Existing CRM

Roger Van Nuis No Comments

SalesProcess360, LLC has entered into a CRM consulting contract with Vinson Process Controls Inc.  Working closely with the Vinson CRM team and all key stakeholders, SP360 will audit and review their current CRM and produce a detailed plan to elevate performance and resulting ROI.     

New Client: Ramsey Industries Selects SalesProcess360 to Boost Customer Value Through Existing CRM

Roger Van Nuis No Comments

Ramsey IndustriesSalesProcess360 has secured a CRM consulting contract with Ramsey Industries. Working closely with the Ramsey CRM team and all key stakeholders, SP360 will audit and review their current CRM systems and produce a detailed plan to fully elevate their CRM performance and resulting ROI.      


SalesProcess360 Videos featuring Brian Gardner

Get insights based on decades of experience in industrial markets, including why you should think beyond outside sales, how to take a proactive approach to sales opportunities and how to let sales process drive your CRM wish list.