ROI from CRM

The Pitfalls of CRM: Why Aren’t You Getting ROI? [Video]

Brian Gardner No Comments

In my speaking engagements, I frequently ask the audience whether they have implemented CRM. And then I ask who feels they are getting ROI from CRM? Very few say they are getting ROI – maybe 10 percent of the room on average.

So why aren’t companies getting what they want out of CRM? What are the common pitfalls?

MDM Webcast: 3 Dos and Don’ts to Transform Your Sales Process

Brian Gardner No Comments

Join me for a free MDM Webcast, ROI from CRM: 3 Dos and Don’ts to Transform Your Sales Process, on Aug. 25 at 1 p.m. ET.

The webcast is the first in a quarterly series from MDM and is based on my book, ROI from CRM: It’s About Sales Process, Not Just Technology.

SalesProcess360 Featured in Two Popular Industry Podcasts

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I was recently featured in two top industry podcasts, talking about how distributors and manufacturer reps can get ROI from CRM.

Let Sales Process Drive Your CRM Wish List [Video]

Brian Gardner No Comments

I frequently will ask my clients early in their CRM evaluations to provide me with what they want from CRM. What I frequently get back is a long list of features. This includes linking with Outlook, web-based, mobile capability and so on. These features are all great, but I urge you to take another step back and focus first on the processes you want to improve with CRM. Frame your wish list with these needs in mind.

3 Tips for Selecting a CRM Vendor

Brian Gardner No Comments

CRM has become a commodity due in part to the rise of cloud-based offerings, which have made the technology cheaper and easier to develop and adopt.

How to Access ROI from CRM Webinar On-Demand

Brian Gardner No Comments

If you missed the recent SalesProcess360 webinar, ROI from CRM: 3 Takeaways in 30 Minutes, access the on-demand video here.

Featured in MDM: ROI from CRM and Being Honest with Yourself

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MDM recently spoke with me about getting the most from your existing technology for its annual Distribution Trends Special Issue, out now at I spoke with Associate Editor Eric Smith about the importance of starting with processes, not systems, when considering new technology.

Free Webinar: ROI from CRM – 3 Takeaways in 30 Minutes

Brian Gardner No Comments

Join me for a quick 30-minute webinar on June 23, 2-2:30 ET, based on my new book ROI for CRM: It’s About Sales Process, Not Just Technology.

Introducing Our New Book: ROI from CRM

Brian Gardner No Comments

ROI from CRM BookI’m excited to announce my new book, ROI from CRM: It’s About Sales Process, Not Just Technology, is now available from MDM. Order your copy here.

My goal with this book was to provide simple yet effective strategies to get the most from customer relationship management. When you read this book, you will learn how to approach CRM as a system for leveraging knowledge throughout your business, and gain an edge with a revamped sales process and engaged team.

Are Manufacturer Visits a Pain Point for Your Company?

Brian Gardner No Comments

Manufacturer visits can be a pain point for distributors. The good (and maybe for some, surprising) news: They can be managed with your CRM system.

SalesProcess360 Videos featuring Brian Gardner

Get insights based on decades of experience in industrial markets, including why you should think beyond outside sales, how to take a proactive approach to sales opportunities and how to let sales process drive your CRM wish list.